Exhibitions and Events

Check back to see where I will be next.

The fun is about to begin! I will be filming with Turquoise MultiMedia (TMM) crew at the upcoming Bhakti Fest September 8th-12th in Joshua Tree, CA. Stay tuned for photos and clips of the event. You can check out the schedule for the upcoming Festival at:



My photography will be included in a single entry exhibition along with many other talented artists at 'The June Invitational Show’ at Joshua Tree Art Gallery from Saturday, June 11th to Saturday, June 25th, 2016. The show's title and theme will be ‘Inspired By Our New Monuments: An Artful Response’ to Celebrate Our Desert Parks, Monuments and Preserves. Join me at the opening reception.

OPENING RECEPTION: Saturday, June 11, 6 to 8 pm


6 1 6 0 7 2 9 P a l m s H i g h w a y ▪ ︎ J o s h u a Tr e e , C a . 9 2 2 5 2

H o u r s : S a t u r d a y 1 0 - 3 ▪ ︎ S u n d a y 1 2 - 3

B y A p p o i n t m e n t : 7 6 0 . 3 6 6 . 3 6 3 6

www.j o s h u a t r e e a r t g a l l e r y. c o m


Join me at 8 p.m., Saturday, May 7, 2016 at Palm Springs Art Museum’s Annenberg Theater, where my work will be featured along with other talented photographers. The event will feature an international selection of photographic submissions projected in collaboration with the explosive musical talent of: Drum Hall, Tribesmen, Caxton, and Mike Pygmie Ensemble. http://opendesert.org/ , http://opendesert.org/Featured-Photographers
